Wenping Li, Ph.D. | Wenchao Qu, Ph.D. |
President, CASNMMI | President-elect, CASNMMI |
中美核医学及分子影像学会(Chinese American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - CASNMMI)今年的年会时间是北美六月九日(周日)加拿大多伦多当地时间晚6:30-9:30pm,或北京时间六月十日(周一)上午6:30-9:30am.年会地点在Fairmont Royal York (HQ hotel) 或 Hyatt Regency Toronto。今年的年会有丰富的内容包括终身成就奖和青年学者最佳报告。请留意后续通知并互相转告。
李文萍(Wenping Li,PhD)
President, CASNMMI
曲文超 (Wenchao Qu, PhD)
President-elect, CASNMMI
CASNMMI Young Investigator Award (YIA)
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
This year, we will once again select outstanding work done by trainees (graduate students or postdoctoral fellows) from China, United States, and other parts of the world with Chinese heritage to receive Young Investigator Award.
In addition to award certificates, the winners will receive a nominal monetary award.
To apply, please send a 1-page PDF file of your presentation summary for review and scoring to Dr. Changning Wang (
Deadline for submission: May 19, 2024, 9:00 pm US EST (May 20, 9:00 am Beijing time).
The members of the Board of Directors will review the applications and select finalists, and the Awards will be announced during the CASNMMI Annual Meeting June 9, 2024, 6:30 pm Canada Toronto local time (June 10, 6:30 am Beijing time).
Awardees are expected to give a 3-min elevator pitch of their research.
For details, visit our website: We appreciate your distributing this award opportunity to your friends and colleagues.
中美核医学及分子影像学会(Chinese American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - CASNMMI)今年的年会将与往年一样,会评选青年学者最佳报告奖(Young Investigator Award - YIA)。欧、美、两岸三地的华人学者,第一作者是学生或博士后的青年学者都可以申请。如果您有兴趣,请把您今年参会的科研报告(oral or poster) 总结成一页概要 (PDF),电邮给Dr. Changning Wang (
截止期:二零二四年五月一十九日美东部时间晚上9点或五月二十日北京时间上午 9:00点。获奖者会要求在CASNMMI 年会上做三分钟演讲。请您留意在上的后续通知并互相告知。
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